Customer Returns:
Unfortunately, Popagloss has a no return policy.
Can I cancel my order?
Customers may ONLY cancel their order within 24hrs of their purchase. Please note: When canceling an order, we charge a 20% cancellation fee + 10% Restock Fee.
What if my product has damages?
Please email within 7 days of your purchase if you notice anything wrong with your order.
What if I don't get my order?
In the unlikely event that your order does not make its way to you, please know that we are here to help. We strongly suggest that you purchase standard shipping PLUS insurance. Selecting this option ensures that should the product get lost en route to you that you will still get the items purchased at no additional expense to you.
What if I put in the wrong address?
It is important to notify us immediately if you provided us an incorrect shipping address. Our shipping departments ships out daily so the sooner we are aware, the quicker we can correct it. Please note, we run all shipping addresses through the USPS database to verify the mailing address is valid, if it is NOT, we will immediately reach out to you to get a correct addresses. We will message/email you ONCE, if we do not get a response within 48hrs then we will refund your money. One final thing to note-IF the shipping address you provide to us is a valid address but not the address you wanted your items shipped to, we will not be able to refund your money.
How long will it take to receive my order?
At the moment due to a high volume of orders, our processing times take up to 2-7 Days!
I ordered internationally but was charged for custom fees?
Shipping internationally will increase the cost of the shipping. This fee is completely out of our hands and we cannot control it. If you do not pay for the customs fee, the package will get sent back to us and you will be refunded for your order but NOT the shipping cost
What ingredients are in your gloss?
Here at Popagloss we use - Versagel ALSO KNOWN AS (Hydrogenated Polyisobutene (and) Ethylene/Propylene/Styrene Copolymer (and) Butylene/Ethylene/Styrene Copolymer),Coconut Oil, Grape-seed Oil, Mica cosmetic pigment, Mica cosmetic glitter, and sometimes LorAnn oils.
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